24 feb 2022


The American “People’s Convoy” with protesters for freedom from covid restrictions and mandatory vaccination mandates is on its way from California to Washington.As in Canada, the drivers are met and supported by people with flags and banners at various points along the way.Also the U.S. National Guard is going to “meet” the convoy of trucks. The Pentagon stated that up to 800 servicemen will block the way of the protesters.Organizers of the action earlier announced that their protest will last for 11 days. There are 25 convoys going to Washington, DC, which are going to unite their efforts and gather in the US capital on March 7. “People’s convoy” has already collected almost 500 thousand dollars to finance the action of truckers. The organizers handed out cards to the participants to buy food, gasoline and consumables.The national government has warned that riots and road blockages can begin if the protesters’ demands are not met.

Source: https://t.me/bigshocktheory